Term and Condition

PRIVACY ACT: I understand that these details will be added to the toy library membership list and used only for toy library business.

LIABILITY CLAUSE: I hereby assume complete and full responsibility for any and all injuries howsoever caused to any person or property which may result in whole or in part from using toys I borrow from this toy library. I also hereby release the toy library from any and all liability of any kind whatsoever.

RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE: I understand that all toys and equipment borrowed from the toy library remains the property of the toy library at all times. I undertake full responsibility for any items borrowed and commit to return all items on time and in the same condition they were hired; this means items must be cleaned before return, breakages must be reported, and the cost of repair may be charged, and lost items will be charged at full replacement.

I understand that failure to return the Toy Library's Property after 10 weeks, would constitute a complaint of theft to the police.

RULES OF MEMBERSHIP: I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the Rules of Membership and agree to abide by these and any other notified rules.